Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One to Many Joins

This is one to many joins as many records in the layer's attribute table join to the same record in the table of soil type descriptions.

Joining Two Existing Tables

The exercise uses the table operations in ArcGIS. It uses the joins and relates for joining two tabular data files. It combines the demographic table to the mapped data in the block group layer. This is one to one join.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Manipulating Digital Data, NWI and DEM data

The above map is DEM with contour lines and hillshade. This exercise involved the manipuating of USGS 10 m DEM for study area ,Harrison. It used Spatial Analysis Extension.

The map is the outcome of operations performed on the digital data obtained from the National wetland Inventory (NWI) developed by U.S Fish and Wildlife services. The map displays the wetlands and deepwaters habitats classification system. The exercise involved creating of new field in the attribute data, editing and reclass wetland system which is more easily interpreted.